Lipno Centrum sports equipment rentals
Why are sports equipment rentals Lipno Centrum highest rated rental companies guests Landal Marina Lipno and other accommodation facilities in the Lipno?
A wide range of renowned brands at reasonable prices.
Ski ski, cross-country skiing lubrication and sharpening skates.
Convenient location: near the Lipno Ski Resort, Wellness Hotel Frymburk and skating tracks on frozen lake Lipno.
Easy access by foot or by car (free parking).
Fast service, friendly and professionally trained staff: the main target = satisfied customer.
10% discount for guests at Lipno valid throughout the winter season + discounts at selected restaurants in Lipno nad Vltavou and Frymburk for our customers.
Option convenient online reservation in advance.
Information and lubrication service for cross-country skiing (trail Frymburk - Lipno, Sternstein, Schoneben)
The possibility of any return of loaned equipment, either in Lipno nad Vltavou. or Frymburk.
Sales concessional passes of the ski resort Hochficht and Sternstein attractive new guide Grenz-Genial.
Sports rentals Lipno Centrum
UNBEATABLE New this summer season:
Very attractive discount of 40% on loans in our rental after submission of the tourist parade Grenzgenial-guide for your guests.
Our guests not bail
- Your guests who show that they are from your accommodation in our country will not have to pay any deposit for a rented sports material.
For our suite guests 10% discount on all goods store!!